Saturday, December 31, 2011

Do you think human resources people are being taught to abuse psychology more and more to protect the company?

I do because I'm an ex manager & have experienced it first hand. I've noticed if someone is leaving & the company even suspect they aren't happy, then they get panicky about personal grievance claims so discredit the person before they leave so that if the person does try to claim personal grievance at some point, the company has discredited them, making them less likely to be beleived. For instance I had a staff member that was being bullied & I wanted to do something about it but the company told me to leave it. As a result the worker left saying she didn't want to work alongside the bully anymore (but she had no intention of filing a PG, she just wanted to get out). The company got panicky & decided to discredit her by making out she had personal issues that were causing her to be unhappy (this was rubbish) & that she was also unertive & couldn't stand up for herself (again this was a lie, she had been trying to stand up to the bully but it was a bit more extreme than that).

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